Hookah base - what is it for

Hookah base - what is it for

Perhaps the most memorable part of a hookah is the base (sometimes called a vase), from which a characteristic bubbling can be heard while smoking. It is understandable, because the hookah base is a reservoir of liquid, where the smoke comes from the shaft.

Passing through the water, the smoke is further cleaned from harmful impurities, cooled and humidified. And if you add any ingredients to the water, it also acquires new shades of flavor.

What hookah base are made of?

Hookah base can be made of a variety of materials - glass, ceramic, plastic, metal. As in the case with the bowl, the role of the base can play even a hollowed-out fruit - for example, a pumpkin (but today this "technology" is more exotic).

Most hookah smokers agree that it is best to buy transparent glass base. Firstly, it is practical - you can monitor the level and quality of water. Secondly, the very process of bubbling and bubbling gives many a purely aesthetic pleasure.

The only serious disadvantage of a glass base is its relative fragility. Therefore, when buying, be sure to check that there are no cracks or chips on the glass.

The most beautiful bases are made of Bohemian glass or crystal. However, because of their high price, you will have to use them three times more carefully.

Very beautiful and ceramic bases, but they are even more fragile than glass.

Bases made of metal are the most durable and reliable, but you will not see the water level when smoking. In addition, if the metal is not "stainless steel" then it will oxidize and require constant care.

The cheapest bases are made from plastic, with all the ensuing consequences. Such a base will quickly absorb the smell from the smoke and itself will give the water a plastic taste. In addition, the plastic will quickly change its color and you will not be able to properly clean it anymore.

Hookah base stability

Since the hookah vase is the base of the whole design of the hookah, it must be very stable - it must have a fairly heavy bottom and massive walls. The higher your hookah is, the heavier and more stable the base should be.

In order for the bottom of the base not to slip (e.g. on a glass surface), you can put a special rubber pad on it.

It is also good when the top of the base has an additional metal rim that provides a more secure attachment to the shaft.

How much liquid should I pour into the hookah base?

Of course, the base is never completely filled with water - you must always leave enough room for the smoke, which, once out of the water, will go further - into the hose.

Here it is important to find the "golden mean". After all, if there is not enough water, the smoke will be insufficiently purified and cool. And, on the contrary, if there is too much water - you will find it harder to inhale.

Therefore, most agree that the ideal degree of immersion of the end of the shaft in the liquid base is 2-3 cm.

What to pour into the hookah base?

The main content of the hookah base is usually plain clean water.

However, if you want to give your tobacco smoke extra flavor and properties, you can add all sorts of ingredients to the water - chopped fruit, fruit juice, mint leaves, zest, tea, milk, and even alcohol.

For example, milk, due to the presence of fatty acids, will give the smoke a milder taste. However, it is better not to pour undiluted milk into the base - otherwise it will start to interfere with the taste of tobacco, as well as a lot of foam and get inside the hose.

This is even more true for alcohol (usually wine is used in hookah). If its content is too high, then instead of a pleasant light intoxication, you will get heavy alcoholic vapor poisoning.

The only liquid that can be without water is fruit juice. But here everything depends on your personal experience and preferences.

Hookah base care

I think it is clear to everyone that in the process of smoking the liquid base becomes contaminated. Therefore, after a while you may feel the bitterness and unpleasant smell. This means that it is time to replace the liquid in the base.

After smoking it is desirable to pour the liquid immediately (do not drink wine if it was used there!), and the base should be thoroughly cleaned with a special hookah base brush.

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