The Hookah Master - A Quick Guide

The Hookah Master - A Quick Guide

Hookah has been an important part of our lives for about 10 years now. A hookah master and his craft is still considered a rather unique and rare occupation. What makes it even more unique is the fact that the only way to learn the craft is to practice it. Undoubtedly, theoretical knowledge is also very important, but in this job, you can't get anywhere without the practical skills you have. Unfortunately, there are currently no training courses for those who want to gain the necessary skills and knowledge. Although it is possible that courses to teach hookah art may appear in the near future, as there is a strong need for them.

In brief, a hookah master is a hookah specialist who performs all the necessary actions to make the hookah work without problems, and the customers were happy. Sometimes hookah masters are considered something like bartenders, which in fact is absolutely wrong. Bartenders know nothing about hookahs, and bartenders know nothing about hookah.

What exactly hookah masters do?

The first element in a hookah master's daily work is taking orders from customers. And it's usually more complicated than taking food orders. A hookah guy has to know everything about shisha and their flavors. To advise customers and be able to recommend a flavor that meets their expectations.

Once the choice of tobacco is made, it's time to start prepare the hookah itself. The next steps in the process are checking the device, pack the bowl, and heating up the charcoal. After the hookah is smoked, all that remains is to monitor the smoking process so that customers are satisfied with the service and enjoy the process.

It is also the responsibility of the hookah masters to clean the whole hookah as well. And as we know - this process can be quite tedious.

In addition to knowing hookahs and tobacco from A to Z, a hookah master must have high customer service skills. Always be friendly, talkative and positive towards customers is a necessity. As you know, working in the service industry is not the easiest job.

The Hookah Master - A Quick Guide

What to expect from this job?

Here's a typical job description you can find on any job site.
Requirements and responsibilities are listed below.


  • Be good at understanding different hookahs - know the differences and similarities.
  • Knowing as much as possible about all kinds of tobacco would be a great advantage.
  • Serve customers at the highest level.
  • To score and smoke hookahs and make sure they work properly during each smoking session.
  • Be able to work as part of a team.
  • Clean hookahs after smoking sessions.
  • Monitor the level of consumables and order them if necessary.

And last but not least, working in a hookah bar means smoking a lot of hookah - all day and every day. So it is obvious that all candidates must be over 21 years old and love hookah.

how to pack the hookah bowl

How to Become a Hookah Master - Necessary Steps and Useful Tips

Unfortunately, you can't learn to smoke hookah by reading books. In fact, you have to use a lot of hookah and practice as much as possible. There are also no courses where you can become an experienced hookah smoker. If you're not sure you have enough knowledge to apply for this position now, you can still practice at home. With time and practice, you will gain confidence and more knowledge. Until then, just keep doing your "homework" and stay motivated.

Here are some helpful tips and details about what the future holds for you in your job as a hookah master.

  • To become a professional hookah master, you have to take care of yourself first and foremost. If you don't drink enough water before and during your work, if there are signs of lack of sleep (even light) or hunger, it can have serious consequences. For example, severe dizziness, headaches. In the worst case, you may even faint.
  • Mastering the art of hookah is not as easy as it may seem. There are so many details, techniques, and other things that every hookah user needs to know. However, it's not all that scary. These wisdoms are easy to learn by practice.
  • One sign that you are ready for this job is the speed with which you can pack a hookah bowl. This skill is purely technical, and you can perfect it even at home. For example, you can ask your friends to come in for a hookah more often than usual. And in this way, you can practice by serving them a hookah.
  • An experienced hookah master connoisseur needs to know all kinds of hookah tobaccos. To advise customers and advise which tobacco is best for their hookah party, you need to try them all yourself. At this point, if you can't buy them all, just start with a few.
  • When you have mastered the theoretical part and can tell the difference between dark tobacco and blonde tobacco, you need to start practicing. Try different tobaccos at home to form your own opinion. Giving advice to customers about which shisha will make their party really cool can be very difficult. That's why you need to have a really great experience before you even submit your resume for consideration
  • Reading hookah blogs can also be very helpful. Many hookah enthusiasts have their own blogs and YouTube channels. You can get a lot of interesting information from these sources, and you don't have to pay for these tips.
  • No one likes washing hookahs. It is the most boring and tedious job. And bong people do it several times a day every day. Are you patient enough to do it every day? Only you can answer that question.

But we didn't want to scare you. All we wanted to do was to give you complete information about this unique and fascinating job. It's not that hard to become a hookah master, even if you don't know much about it yet. With diligence and patience, you will soon have enough skills and knowledge to apply for this job. The most important thing is motivation. Are you motivated?


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